#1 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#2 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#3 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#4 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#5 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#6 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#7 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#8 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#9 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#10 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#11 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#12 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#13 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#14 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#15 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#16 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#17 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#18 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#19 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#20 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#21 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#22 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#23 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#24 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#25 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#26 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#27 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#28 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#29 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto

Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto

#1 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#2 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#3 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#4 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#5 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#6 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#7 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#8 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#9 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#10 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#11 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#12 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#13 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#14 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#15 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#16 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#17 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#18 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#19 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#20 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#21 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#22 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#23 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#24 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#25 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#26 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#27 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#28 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto
#29 Mosselman BMW S58 Upgrade Turbocharger Set - I will send in my core after receiving the MSL turbos / Mishimoto

Артикул: 010210020-M

Код: 1111-354

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Зараз у розробці: комплект турбокомпресора Mosselman Upgrade (MSL75-95) для двигуна S58, який буде доступний для останніх моделей BMW G8X M3/M3, а також BMW X3M/X4M.

Цей набір турбокомпресора встановить епічні стандарти! Продуктивність до 950 к.с.*На основі НОВОГО турбокомпресора MHI, оптимізованого потоку впускних пристроїв. Встановлення «Plug and Play».

Надзвичайно низький заряд*залежно від модифікацій і типу палива.

Спеціальне повідомлення від Mossleman Turbo Systems: для клієнтів, які використовують турбокомпресори Mosselman S58 MSL75-95, повідомте своєму калібратору, щоб він не перевищував 2,5 бар / 36 фунтів на квадратний дюйм. Перевищуючи цей тиск, турбокомпресори, ймовірно, будуть пошкоджені, що неможливо відновити.

З огляду на це, вищий тиск корисний лише для двигуна, який працює на екзотичному паливі, наприклад E85, де бажаний рівень потужності понад 950 к.с.

Незабаром ми запровадимо екстремальну версію для тих, кому потрібен більший тиск наддуву на цій платформі. Для перших користувачів (людей, які вже придбали наші турбокомпресори) ми пропонуємо безкоштовне оновлення до екстремальних характеристик.

Отже, щоб було зрозуміло, це стосується лише тих випадків, коли ваш автомобіль працює на E85 або подібному паливі, тиск вище 2,5 бар/36 фунтів на квадратний дюйм, і в основному переслідує понад 950 к.с.

Тож у хорошому стані та дуже добре упакований у міцний пінопласт або подібний). Ми подбаємо про доставку посилки назад на вашу адресу.

Дякуємо, що вибрали наші продукти, ми продовжуватимемо розширювати межі.

Моссельман, "у цьому, щоб перемогти!"


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